
Hi 👋 , I'm Alex


Software Engineer


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About Me

Hi, my name is Alex and I am a highly skilled software developer and graphics programmer. I have a bachelor's degree in engineering and have been working as a fullstack developer for over 5 years. In my free time, I enjoy exploring low-level software technology and staying up-to-date with new techs in the field. My main area of expertise is low-level systems game programming, specifically in rendering and physics. Additionally, I have a strong understanding of blockchain technology, having developed on the Solana network and built dApps in the web3 space. I am known for my troubleshooting and problem-solving abilities, as well as my analytical mindset. Overall, I am passionate about software development and am always eager to learn and grow in my career.


Federal University Of Technology, Owerri

Nov 2015 - Dec 2021

Bachelor's of Engineering in Materials Science Engineering



DreamRealm is a 3D graphics engine i built for the main purpose of understanding the nitty-gritty details of how graphics engines which are a large part of game engines and most 3D graphics softwares work under the hood. DreamRealm is a graphics engine based on Opengl/C++ and upcoming support for DirectX12 and Vulkan. DreamRealm depends on the math library found in the CrunchMath Engine for its 3D graphics operations, DreamRealm is under continuous development and most of its features can be found on its GitHub repositiory. And for an extensive lookup of its roadmap you can check it out on its GitHub projects plan


CrunchMath is a C++ based math/physics engine. I developed CrunchMath for learning purpose, to understand in details the Ins and out of the use of math and physics in video games and how they work under the hood. I developed CrunchMath from studying various books from 3D math books to physics engine books and some open source codes also came in handy for reference to develop the engine. CrunchMath was written with a focus on clean, performant and easy to read code. The engine has two main core components, which are the math and physics libraries. The math library in CrunchMath engine is independent of the physics library. while the physics library is minimally dependent on the math library for it to execute all internal physics. I would host extensive descriptions of these two components and designs and especially why certain choices were made. The project is still ongoing, but most of its features can already be found on its GitHub repositiory. And for an extensive lookup of its roadmap you can check it out on its GitHub projects plan


Pacman2D was my first attempt to building a game from scratch with its reusable code which i planned to use to make another game. Pacman2D is a framework based on Opengl/C++. I developed Pacman2D from scratch for the main purpose of understanding the core components and architectures of building a game from scratch and understanding game design patterns. Pacman2D would use the CrunchMath math/physics engine for its life like physics simulations and game dynamics, Pacman2D is still under development but most of its features can already be found on its GitHub repositiory. And for an extensive lookup of its roadmap you can check it out on its GitHub projects plan

Territory Management System

I built the Territory Management System while working at Bluechip Techonologies. The Territory Management System is used by the industry administrators to assign workers to various locations to carry out a specific job, the territory management system is also responsible for tracking movement of workers in realtime and notifies the administrator when a worker has gone out of his/her location boundary. The web app works with Google maps API for tracking location of workers and displaying it on the web app to be monitored by the admins, and from my experience with game programming I wrote a custom (Point in Convex) collision detection algorithm to notify when a worker has left his/her boundary territory.


Foodipy is a web app that displays a wide range of category of foods from different countries, showing details on how to prepare them through a well written description or a video, calls were made to an API to get all kind of food sources. it also has interactions built into it so you are able to like, and comments on a particular meal you think you like. built with JavaScript and was built using a test driven development format (TDD) using the Jest framework for unit testing of some of the funtionalities of the web app. Its source codes can be accessed on GitHub and has a live Demo you can test.


CrunchAlgo is a timetable generator that can be used to generate optimal schedule fixes from a users input of several schedules. Its algorithm takes an approach of organising task appropriately while trying to avoid clashes. CrunchAlgo was made for the purpose of organising school lecture timetable, built with PHP. Its source codes can be accessed on GitHub and has a live Demo you can test.


Fluidity Money

Software Developer

• Implemented notification systems on the Fluidity webapp using RemixJS, A React server side rendering framework built on top of React that communicates and listens for events on the Ethereum blockchain, enabling users to receive updates on transactions and rewards

• Created interactive fluid background animation on the website using JavaScript's WebGL

• Contributed to UI development on both the website and webapp

• Wrote tests for both frontend and backend, with the backend codebase primarily written in Go

• Created Solana smart contracts in Rust during my initial internship, simulating Fluidity's product to gain in-depth understanding of how to contribute effectively

Epoch Loop Technologies

Software Engineer

• Implemented a backend and API interface using JavaScript with the Node.JS runtime, in which client applications use for communicating to backend services for generating QR codes for each registered user, which made sharing of user identification easy for users on the app.

• Developed a library system using the C# dotnet framework used for managing alert reports in an alert app for alerting users of possible security threats in different areas of the country, which helped users stay ahead of what possible security threats they are exposed to within a 10-mile radius from their current position.

Bluechip Technologies

Software Developer (Contract)

I developed the core components used in a sales-management web app. I worked on the territory management system which was used in the web app to track sales representatives in the company, and i also worked on the survey system which was being utilized for getting information from sales representatives concerning issues evolving around their environment, which helped the company improve on areas that helped sales representatives do their work more efficiently and improved sales by 30%. I reported and fixed bugs to codes i had access to.

Newbisco LTD

Engineer (Intern)

I worked as an intern engineer at Newbisco LTD, a production industry recognised for producing cookies. I maintained and repaired production machines, I also Installed communication devices to be used by the engineers for communicating over a long range distance when carrying out repairs, which helped repair time of a damaged machine component to be cut down by half.


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